Claranet is an expert in the modernisation, maintenance and evolution of your critical data applications in the cloud.
Accelerate your data projects
Data lies at the heart of business strategies and requires special attention. It needs to be collected and stored securely but must also be available for processing at any time. Claranet is aware of these specific needs and has created solutions for designing, modernising, hosting and managing data and big data platforms that comply with their security and performance needs, as well as solutions for modelling and visualising your data.
Cost control
Compared with on-premise deployment and maintenance
Automation and best practices for cloud and DevOps
Risk manage-ment
24/7 management by cloud and data experts
Focus on security and compliance of the platforms
Data Services

Unsere Adabas-Experten haben ihr umfassendes Know-how über viele Jahre in den unterschiedlichsten Projekten und Branchen erworben. Profitieren Sie von dieser langjährigen Erfahrung bei der Wartung, Anpassung und Entwicklung komplexer Adabas/Natural-Installationen.

SAP Business Warehouse
Daten sind die Grundlage für geschäftsrelevante Entscheidungen. Um diese besser und schneller treffen zu können und Geschäftsprozesse zu optimieren, unterstützen wir Sie bei der Implementierung und Optimierung Ihres SAP-Business-Warehouse-Systems.